Friday, May 31, 2019

Executive Women: Substance Plus Style :: essays research papers

Executive Women Substance Plus StylePSYC 4310Executive Women Substance Plus StyleThe condition "Executive Women Substance Plus Style" deals with the issue ofwhether the "abilities and attitudes of male managers are different from thoseof womanish managers" and that these differences have been used to keep women outof managerial positions. Furthermore, it suggests that it has right off become"fashionable" to state that these differences are favorable and complement thebusiness environment. Lastly, the article focused on several strategies thatwomen should follow in order to come through as a middle or upper level managerwithin a large corporation. The authors refute the notion that the differencesbetween male and female managers are great. They mention that "the few studiesthat have looked at women and men in comparable managerial roles have discoveredmore similarities than differences across sexes" (Catalyst, 1986). A streak bankfrom "thousa nds of managers and professionals in management development programsfrom 1978 to 1986" was cited as another reason why they believe there are fewdifferences between male and female executives. The tests revealed thatexecutive men and women scored pertainly on most areas and that executive womenare just as capable at leading, influencing, and motivating groups, as well asanalyzing problems. The authors go on to show that, despite these similarities,women are disproportionately represented in the ranks of Fortune 500 companyexecutives.Repeated references are made to studies that were conducted with 22 people, 16men and 6 women, whose job is to select executives for top jobs. These peopleare continually referred to as "savvy insiders" throughout the article. Theseso called savvy insiders were tasked with providing an sample of what theyconsidered to be a woman who "made it" and one who "derailed". They describewhat basically amounts to a woman who utilizes characteristics of both masculineand feminine personalities. They came up with these four strange sets ofexpectations that women must overcome take risks, but be consistentlyoutstanding be tough, but dont be macho be ambitious, but dont expect equaltreatment and take responsibility, but follow others advice. The query wasbased on a comparison between male and female managers and by tests that timed constitution dimensions, intelligence, and behavior in problem-solvinggroups. As I had learned in a previous psychology class, personality tests arenot really an effective measure of personality, nor is an intelligence testnecessarily an accurate means of determining ones success in the future. Iwould have been more convinced by experimental research rather than by a reviewof tests or an interview with 76 people. I have noticed a trend that has been

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