Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Cast study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cast - Case Study Example Exports of agricultural produce constitute Brazil’s major revenue earner. Brazil’s manufacturing industry lacks competitiveness because there is no comparative advantage in the industrial sector. The cost of energy, raw materials and wages is high and the consequence is the escalation of the manufacturing costs. Brazil has failed in the quest to keep the industrial operating costs below those incurred in other countries. Therefore, the countries with lower operating costs are more competitive in manufacturing compared to Brazil. Brazil’s governments in the 20th and 21st centuries have been eagerly developing a world class manufacturing strategy. The government’s course of action is aimed at switching from the agricultural based economy to one that is industrial based. The government wanted to protect the local industries from international competition by imposing taxes on imports through the practice of protectionism. For Brazil to move its resources from the uncompetitive industrial sector to competitive industries, comparative advantage should be given prior consideration. The country should stick to developing agriculture and diversifying the use of agricultural products. For instance, sugar cane can be used to produce more ethanol whose demand is high. Sugar cane is primarily used to produce sugar but diversification will provide a platform for the production of ethanol. The global ethanol trade is lucrative and Brazil would have an upper hand in the international market as a result of its comparative advantage with regard to agriculture. For effective competitive advantage, the agricultural resources should be developed and harnessed into different industries to diversify products coupled with the expansion of the global market (Chaddad, 2014). President Rousseff’s policies limit Brazil’s dependence on foreign goods but they disregard the aspect of comparative advantage. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Presidential election Essay Example for Free

Presidential election Essay During the 2004 presidential election, John Kerry offended dozens of military families, both the enlisted men and their relatives, with a gaffe he said was directed at President George Bush. The candidate for president claimed that most American soldiers joined the military because they had no better options, that the economy made them do it. While that may be the case for some soldiers, the reality is that a great many soldiers join the military for more than just the help with school or the paycheck. Especially after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the Pentagon and New York City, patriotism was a primary reason for joining the military as was the desire to see the world and serve their fellow man. Even for the soldiers that join the military for economic reasons, the service is more than just a paycheck and deserving of far better than the malicious words of an also-ran like Kerry. Jonson Mahathath is a United States Marine stationed at the Marine Recruiting Station in Louisville, KY. Mahathath, 21, will be the first to admit his primary reason for joining the Marine Corps was the opportunity. â€Å"I grew up in the middle of Missouri where the economy is bad, really bad. I knew that if I wanted to get out of there and have a life of my own, the Corps was a way out,† he said (personal interview, May 12, 2008). But that is only half the story. Mahathath said that since joining the Corps he has developed a newfound respect for servicemen and himself. When you choose to be a Marine, you know that you are committing to being part of one of the finest fighting forces in the world. You know the strength of character required to make it through boot and you know that a fellow Marine will never leave you behind. Try finding that kind of friendship and loyalty anywhere else,† he said. Indeed, after serving his first tour, Mahathath will likely reenlist, not because of the economy, but because of his dedication to the Corps. â€Å"This is a closer family than the one I was born into,† Mahathath said. Some people join the military to pay for their education and then discover other reasons for their military service. Rebekkah Henderson Thomas is one of those people. Thomas joined the Army Reserves to pay for her college education, but when the soldiers around her were deployed for war duty, Henderson felt the call to action. â€Å"I felt like I was cheating, like I wasn’t a real soldier. Here were all these people I trained with, going off to war and I was still here. I needed to be deployed, to fulfill my commitment,† Thomas said (Gunnin 2008, p. 1). Thomas could have served her entire commitment to the military without ever seeing combat, but her dedication to keeping her oath of service made her long for more. At the time she was deployed, Thomas left behind a two-year-old son and an ex-husband. Being away from her son will be difficult, but she gave her word and intends to keep it, she said (Gunnin 2008, p. 5). Airman Richard Burnell wrote in an Air Force Press Release that he joined the military for selfish reasons. â€Å"To be quite frank, my initial reason for joining the military was selfish. I enlisted Aug. 15, 1985, because I was unsure what I wanted to do with my life. I believed the military would provide me a healthy environment in which to decide. † (Burnell 2003). But the decision to join the military is not what made him a soldier, or in this case, an airman. â€Å"I became an airman because my squadron commander gave me responsibility that exceeded my confidence. He believed I was capable of things that I did not believe I could do. My desire to not let him down motivated me to accept the challenges he proposed. † (Burnell 2003). Essentially, he wrote, he joined the military to help him find a direction in life and the military not only provided it, it exceeded his wildest dreams. The reasons then why a person joins the military can be as wide and varied as the branches of the service, but to claim as Kerry did that people do it out of economic desperation is to underestimate the appeal and worth of the American military. Yes, it can be just a job to some people, but the old ad cliche is true as well, it’s more than just a job; it’s an adventure. It’s a family and a way of life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nuclear powers role in environmental protection :: essays research papers

Nuclear power's role in environmental protection | Nuclear techniques for environmental protection Nuclear power can be an effective tool in reducing stress on the environment. Environmental concerns are high on today's political agenda. People's awareness of the planet's precarious health has been reinforced by scientific warnings that quick, vigorous, and sustained action must be taken if we are to preserve the world in which we live. Public perception and anxiety about acid rain, ozone layer depletion, and the greenhouse effect have been heightened in recent years. Enhanced awareness offers an unprecedented opportunity for members of the world community to make rational, informed decisions in the environmental debate. Energy, in particular electricity generation, is fundamental to social and economic development. The use of hydropower, coal, oil and gas has helped to stimulate economic growth and raise the standards of living of people worldwide. All major forms of electricity generation, however, have some effect on the environment, frequently with starkly negative results. The burning of fossil fuels, scientists say, can contribute some 50 percent to the warming of the global atmosphere. Man's harnessing of these resources involves risks to the environment, as well as to people involved in activities associated with energy technologies. The link between energy and the environment is undeniable. The world must therefore carefully examine its energy alternatives, and alternatives must be found to reduce the influence of fossile fuels on the environment, in parallel with conservation efforts. Nuclear energy can claim to be a clean, economical option for the generation of electricity and as one when looking at ways to help relieve stress on the environment. Conclusions of the 14th Congress of the World Energy Conference in Montreal in late September, 1989 indicate that environmental effects of energy uses and the world's growing demand for electricity are prime reasons warranting a renewed emphasis on nuclear power. Conservation is a significant, realistic, and necessary element in trying to reduce the burning of fossil fuels. Conservation implies both a more efficient and more discriminating use of energy. But, as the former International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) Director General Dr. Hans Blix has said, current plans of developing countries foresee a sharp increase in the use of fossil fuels. This means that if we are to succeed in stabilizing and indeed diminishing the greenhouse effect, industrialized countries must make the major effort. Nuclear power can be one effective tool in this vital endeavour.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Place of Nonhumans in Environmental Issues Essay

1) Do you agree with singer that, morally, animals have an ‘equal consideration of interests’ with humans? Explain the reason for your answer. The suffering and happiness is the main moral principles of equal consideration of interests. Humans and non-humans both have the ability to feel pain and pleasure, so they should be considered equal in regards to these two aspects. However, due to ‘Speciesism’ which is our society’s way of thinking that non humans are inferior and that we should favor the human species over them, is how we morally justify acts like, for example, experimenting of animals rather than on humans (, 2014). Singer says that no matter if you’re human or non-human, if someone suffers or will suffer, it is important to consider this suffering and not find ways to morally justify them (, 2014). Equal consideration does not mean treating everyone the same and place equal value on both humans and non-humans lives. It only means considering the interests of both sides and not just giving preference to humans. As mentioned above, if animals interests are considered, and their pain and pleasure are measured against the pain and pleasure of humans, things like factory farming can be considered immoral (, 2014). Some people also morally justify speciesism because they misinterpret and think that animals feel less pain than humans do. For example, slapping a horse across its back and slapping a baby in the same way. Due to the horse’s thick skin, the horse wouldn’t feel as much pain as the baby would because babies have sensitive skin. However, this is not the same amount of pain between the two, the horse being hit with something harder, for example a stick, might then feel the equal amount of pain as the baby being slapped. So if we claim that it is wrong to inflict that much pain on a baby, we must then agree that it is wrong or immoral to inflict the same amount of pain on a horse (Stafforini, 2014). To conclude, it is important for animals to have equal consideration because of the fact that animals do suffer, so humans and non-humans do have the  same interest in avoiding pain and that there is no non-speciesist way to draw the line between animal interests and human interest (MacKinnon, 1995). 2) Do the economic interests of humans come before the well-being of animals? People see animals as sources of food and clothing. Experimenting on animals is also viewed beneficial to test the safety and effectiveness of drugs, detergents and cosmetics. In other words, animals are known as economic commodities (MacKinnon, 1995). In the case study, Singer talks about how people are willing to allow animals to live and endure in the bad, unsuitable conditions for the duration of their lives just so they can eat meat at low enough prices that they can afford. This is an example of how society would rather not pay extra money on meat for their own economic interest, over the interests of the animals. The other example in the case study is the timber industry, instead of obtaining timber from forests by cutting only certain dead and matured trees, they use clear cutting, which means cutting down everything in a given area which destroys wild animals habitat. Despite the fact that cutting down dead and mature trees will cause little disturbance. Timber companies use clear cutting method due to the fact that it is a lot cheaper than if they gave equal consideration to animals and went with selecting to cut the mature and dead tress instead (Barry, 1979). Other environmental issues are water and air pollution and other effect such as global warming. People and industries change the environment for their own economic interest. However, these changes not only affect the non-humans but also the humans. The case study gives an example of humans discharging cadmium into the bay and eating shellfish from the bay which can make people ill and can potentially be fatal (Barry, 1979). Due to speciesism and other factors, humans cause pollution and global warming which destroy habitats and tend to not give equal consideration of interests to animals because it results in an economic gain for them whether it is a short term gain or long term economic gain. References Barry, V. (1979). Moral issues in business. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co., pp.361-365. MacKinnon, B. (1995). Ethics. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub. Co., (2014). Equal Consideration for Animals  « Introduction to Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2014]. Stafforini, P. (2014). Equality for Animals?, by Peter Singer. [online] Available at:—-.htm [Accessed 25 Nov. 2014].

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Qualitative Study of Reasons for (Non) Participation in Physical Recreation Essay

The objective of this qualitative study is to investigate and compare the responses of single and married women that do not participate in physical recreation. Lack of physical activity from married and single women has been studied less extensively than men’s physical activity. (Vehoef, Love & Rose 2003) The issue of non-participation in physical activity can affect the quality of life and health of women globally. It is important to address this issue and understand why some women do not participate in leisure activities. The qualitative research in this report discusses the major themes or reasons for non-participation from women and compares these themes between married and single women. Firstly this report will give a brief review of some previous research in this field mainly the reasons for not participating in physical activity. Secondly this report will give a short description of the research method used to gather the data for the quantitative research and thirdly it will discuss and describe the major reason for the non-participation in physical recreation of married and single women. Part 1b) Literature Review There has been some research on the topic of non-participation of women in physical recreation. Married women have less time to participate in physical activity due to work are childbearing responsibilities. (Nomaguchi & Bianchi 2004) These days there are a lot more women working full time. Furthermore these women are working longer hours per day. (Nomaguchi & Bianchi 2004) With longer working days women are spending less time doing recreational activity. Women are not motivated to spend their only free time exercising a lot would much prefer to relax and forget about work. Work and study along with other issues like family responsibilities are the main reasons that some married and single women are not involved in physical activity. (Erickson & Gillespie 2000) One of the main reason for non-participation for married women is family and their role in the family. (Nomaguchi & Bianchi 2004) The majority of married women are working full time and caring for children. (Nomaguchi & Bianchi 2004) Having a full time job and being a mother takes up a very large amount of time in ones day. After finishing a long work day and then tending to the needs of children such as transportation and hunger it does not leave very much time for a woman to exercise. A busy schedule like this can be very mentally tiring and motivation to perform physical activity can decrease. Research shows that after all her work and family responsibilities are finished it is usually too late to start to exercise or they are simply too exhausted. This can affect the health and quality of life for a woman. (Nomaguchi & Bianchi 2004) Single women have issues finding time to participate in physical activity. They may not have kids to look after in some cases but work and study issues can limit their time for exercise. Middle aged single women are slightly more active than married women the same age but the overall participation rate is small. (Vehoef, Love & Rose 2003) This small participation rate of married and single women is a concern for society with health issues such as obesity and depression increasing. Part 2) Research Methods The research methods used in this study were In-depth interviews. A number of interview were conducted with married and single women. In-depth interviews are primarily used when the number of subjects is rather small. The advantage of using a in-depth interview in a quantitative study is that it is an unstructured process that allows the interviewer to gain more depth of answers when compared to a questionnaire. The informal structure gives the freedom of the interviewer to change the direction of the interview and engage with the interviewee much more personally, this allows more extensive and detailed data. (Kwek 2011) It is important when conducting a in-depth interview to not lead the interviewee but to probe them for more information. The person conducting the interview must not agree with of disagree with the interviewee this is vital so the interviewee does not feel induced into to answering a question in a certain way. The interviewer must use more open questions to gain more in-depth information from the interviewee and then confirm this in-depth by using closed questions to ensure the data being collected is on track. The open, axial and reflective coding method was used to analyse the data. Open coding is the first coding method used in analysing the in-depth interview data. Open coding helps to make sense of the process and identify the root of the issue. The interviews were evenly split between married and single women. Some of the issues for married women in the open coding stage were things such as; * Age – feeling too old * Body image – being embarrassed by their body * Housework – having to cook and cleaning the house. * Kids – transporting and caring for children * Work – working long hours and irregular hours * No motivation – finding it hard to feel motivated to exercise * No friends to exercise with – not having a partner or group to exercise with * Poor knowledge of physical activities – not knowing the best methods to participate in physical activity * Low energy levels – feeling exhausted * No time – having no spare time to partake in regular physical recreation Some of the issues for single women were; * No time. * Lack of funds – not having the money to be able to pay for and travel to physical activities of their interest * No friends to exercise with – not having a partner or group to exercise with * Low energy levels – feeling exhausted * Poor location of facilities – not having the transport options available to get to recreation facilities * Poor knowledge of physical activities – not knowing the best methods to participate in physical activity * Other social activities – wanting to spend time socialising with friends going to the movies or eating together. For the axial coding stage the data was analysed to find a more whole view of the issues for non-participation of married and single women. Axial coding minimalises the number of statements made by the interviewees and identifies the more common themes. Common themes for married women in the axial coding stage were; * Family and housework * No energy and poor body image * No motivation due to lack of friends to exercise with and poor knowledge * No time due to work Common themes for single women in the axial coding stage were; * Money * No time due to work and study commitments * No motivation due to lack of friends to exercise with and poor knowledge * Relaxation and socialising. At this stage of the coding process some common themes are visible for both married and single women. The majority of married and single women stated that time commitments was a major issues for not exercising. The reasons for the lack of time may vary from the married to the single women. This takes us into the third stage of the coding process, reflective coding. Reflective coding aims to seek any inter-relationship that may exist in the major themes. (Kwek 2011) This stage of the coding process paints an overall picture of the data collected and the major themes. The main themes in this research for married women are; * Lack of time * Family commitment * Lack of motivation Due to family and work commitments married women in this study seem to have insufficient time to participate in physical activity. The main themes in this research for single women are; * Lack of time * Lack of motivation * Lack of funds Like married women most single women in this study believe they do not have enough time to regularly partake in physical activity. A lack of motivation is also a common theme amongst married and single women. Single women in this interview process also claim that a lack of sufficient funding to engage in physical recreation is a big factor in their non-participation. Part 3) Discussion of Findings It is important to note that all the interviewees are non-participant in physical exercise. The reason for this study is to find out why these ladies are not exercising on a regular basis. The main issue that this qualitative research has found is time. Examination of the respondents both the married and single felt that lack of time is the main reason for the not to doing physical activity on a regular basis. There are some similar themes for both married and single women in relation to time constraints. One reason for lack of time that is evident in both groups is work or study commitments. For example, one respondent (Worker) noted that â€Å"I work five days a week and I have three children to look after so there isn’t usually much time left over for myself†. One single woman stated that â€Å"If I had more time I would be much more likely to do something active† (Kylie) It is clear here that both married and single women if they had more time would be more inclined to participate in physical activity. Another common reason for non-participation is lack of motivation. The majority of married and single women in this study feel no motivation to exercise. One similar reason for married and single women to hove low motivation is the lack of company to perform the physical activity with. Jane a married woman claims that she would be â€Å"more inclined to go if someone came with me, it would keep me motivated† Kylie a single woman also states that she would be â€Å"more inclined to do something like that if I had someone to go with†. Sheree feels the same, â€Å"I feel if I work less hours I would feel less exhausted and therefore more motivated to exercise† Working less and having a friend or friends to exercise with are big factors in motivating both married and single women to engage in physical activity on a regular basis. Married women in this study believe that their family commitments are a large contributing factor for them not to participate in physical activity. Most married women in this research both worked and had children. With work and family comes a very busy life in which women are finding it hard to find time to exercise. â€Å"When I had my first child my priorities changed from looking after myself to looking after my family† This from Shazza who now is more interested in looking after the needs of her family than looking after her own health and quality of life. Married women with kids have a hard time to allocate any time to exercise because family is a full time job. What little time they do get they often would rather spend it with their husbands or just relaxing in general â€Å"my weekends are made up of transporting my kids to sport, spending time with my husband and doing work around the house†. (Shazza) Single women in this qualitative study are shown to have issues with money in relation to the funding of physical activities. It is hard to find an activity that is fun and motivating without having to pay something. Even walking will cost a participant in the form of correct shoes. A Large portion of the single women that were interviewed for this study claim that they do not have enough money or cannot justify spending a large amount of money on physical activity. â€Å"Joining a gym is so expensive these days and sometime I can’t justify paying that much†. (Kylie) It is easy to understand that Kat who is aged only eighteen has not enough money to invest in her physical recreation. Eighteen is such a young age where a girl is trying to find her feel and begin a independent life away from school and possible family. Although some of the time constraint and motivational reasons for non-participation are similar between married and single women it is also apparent that other issues such as family and funding can be found for both married and single women but generally in the bulk of cases family was an issue for married woman and funding was an issue for single woman. It is important to understand that the major issues discussed can be related and compound one another. Part 4) Conclusion In summary the research suggests that the major reasons for single and married women involved in this study are time and motivation. The vast majority of all the women interviewed found that motivation and time constraints were the biggest issues stopping them from being involved in physical activity on a regular basis. A number of respondents specifically noted that if they had more spare time they would in fact be involved in exercise of some description. Another stand out problem for married women was family commitments. Looking after a family took up a lot of the interviewees time and drained them of motivation linking the issues together. It is similar for the single women that also had lack of financing as a stumbling block to physical activity. Not having enough money deprives the respondent of motivation to regularly exercise. Although the major issues are very similar for both married and single women it is the finer details that make them different. For more women to begin and continue to partake in regular physical activity there needs to be some change in society. This research shows that women need more time and motivation for this to become a reality. One way to gain more time for future women would be to reduce the hours of a normal working week. Another would be to introduce some government funded recreational activities targeting women in their communities. It is important that more research is done in this field to further understand these major issues and work towards an increase in exercise from all women. Part 5) Reference List Erickson, J. & Gillespie, C. (2000) Reasons women discontinued participation in an exercise and wellness program. The physical educator, 57 (1), 2-7. Retrieved from Google Scholar Kwek, A. (2011). 1002HSL Week 4 Lecture: Qualitative research methods. Retrieved from Griffith University, Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel & Sport Management, Learning@Griffith Website. Nomaguchi, K. & Bianchi, S. (2004) Exercise time: Gender differences in the effects of marriage, parenthood, and employment. Journal of marriage and family, 66, 413-430. Retrieved from ABI/Inform Global. Verhoef, M. , Love, E. & Rose, S. (2003) Women’s social rules and their exercise participation. Women & Health, 19 (4), 15-29. Retrieved from ABI/Inform Global.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Salt Flats Formation, Activity, and Examples

Salt Flats Formation, Activity, and Examples Salt flats, also called salt pans, are large and flat areas of land that were once lake beds. Salt flats are covered with salt and other minerals and they oftentimes look white because of the salt presence. These areas of land generally form in deserts and other arid places where large bodies of water have dried up over thousands of years and the salt and other minerals are the remnants. There are salt flats found around the world but some of the largest examples include the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, the Bonneville Salt Flats in the state of Utah and those found in California’s Death Valley National Park.   Formation of Salt Flats   According to the United States’ National Park Service, there are three basic things that are needed for salt flats to form. These are a source of salts, an enclosed drainage basin so the salts do not wash out and an arid climate where evaporation is greater than precipitation so the salts can get left behind when the water dries up (National Park Service).   An arid climate is the most important component of salt flat formation. In arid places, rivers with large, meandering stream networks are rare because of a lack of water. As a result, many lakes, if they exist at all, do not have natural outlets such as streams. Enclosed drainage basins are important because they hinder the formation of water outlets. In the western United States, for instance, there is the basin and range region in the states of Nevada and Utah. The topography of these basins consist of deep, flat bowls where the drainage is enclosed because water draining out of the region cannot climb up the mountain ranges surrounding the basins (Alden). Finally, the arid climate comes into play because evaporation must exceed precipitation in the water in the basins for the salt flats to eventually form. In addition to enclosed drainage basins and arid climates, there must also be an actual presence of salt and other minerals in the lakes for salt flats to form. All water bodies contain a variety of dissolved minerals and as lakes dry up through thousands of years of evaporation the minerals become solids and are dropped where the lakes once were. Calcite and gypsum are among some of the minerals found in water but salts, mostly halite, are found in large concentrations in some bodies of water (Alden). It is in places where halite and other salts are found in abundance that salt flats eventually form.   Salt Flat Examples   Salar de Uyuni Large salt flats are found around the world in places such as the United States, South America, and Africa. The largest salt flat in the world is the Salar de Uyuni, located in the Potosi and Oruro, Bolivia. It covers 4,086 square miles (10,852 sq km) and is located at an elevation of 11,995 feet (3,656 m). The Salar de Uyuni is a part of the Altiplano plateau that formed as the Andes Mountains were uplifted. The plateau is home to many lakes and the salt flats formed after several prehistoric lakes evaporated over thousands of years. Scientists believe that the area was an extremely large lake called Lake Minchin around 30,000 to 42,000 years ago ( As Lake Minchin began to dry up due to a lack of precipitation and no outlet (the region is surrounded by the Andes Mountains) it became a series of smaller lakes and dry areas. Eventually, the Poopà ³ and Uru Uru lakes and the Salar de Uyuni and Salar de Coipasa salt flats were all that remained. The Salar de Uyuni is significant not only because of its very large size but also because it is a large breeding ground for pink flamingoes, it serves as a transportation route across the Altiplano and it is a rich area for the mining of valuable minerals such as sodium, potassium, lithium and magnesium.   Bonneville Salt Flats   The Bonneville Salt Flats are located in the U.S. state of Utah between the border with Nevada and the Great Salt Lake. They cover about 45 square miles (116.5 sq km) and are managed by the United States Bureau of Land Management as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern and a Special Recreation Management Area (Bureau of Land Management). They are part of the United States’ Basin and Range system.   The Bonneville Salt Flats are a remnant of the very large Lake Bonneville that existed in the area about 17,000 years ago. At its peak, the lake was 1,000 feet (304 m) deep. According to the Bureau of Land Management, evidence for the lake’s depth can be seen on the surrounding Silver Island Mountains. The salt flats began to form as precipitation decreased with a changing climate and the water in Lake Bonneville began to evaporate and recede. As the water evaporated, minerals such as potash and halite were deposited on the remaining soils. Eventually, these minerals built up and were compacted to form a hard, flat, and salty surface. Today the Bonneville Salt Flats are about 5 feet (1.5 m) thick at their center and just are just a few inches thick at the edges. The Bonneville Salt Flats are about 90% salt and consists of about 147 million tons of salt (Bureau of Land Management).   Death Valley The Badwater Basin salt flats located in California’s Death Valley National Park cover about 200 square miles (518 sq km). It is believed that the salt flats are the remnants of the ancient Lake Manly that filled Death Valley about 10,000 to 11,000 years ago as well as more active weather processes today. The main sources of Badwater Basin’s salt are what was evaporated from that lake but also from Death Valley’s nearly 9,000-square mile (23,310 sq km) drainage system that extends to the peaks surrounding the basin (National Park Service). During the wet season precipitation falls on these mountains and then runs off into the very low elevation Death Valley (Badwater Basin is, in fact, the lowest point in North America at -282 feet (-86 m)). In wet years, temporary lakes form and during the very hot, dry summers this water evaporates and minerals such as sodium chloride are left behind. After thousands of years, a salt crust has formed, creating salt flats.   Activities on Salt Flats   Because of the large presence of salts and other minerals, salt flats are often places that are mined for their resources. In addition, there are many other human activities and development that have taken place on them because of their very large, flat nature. The Bonneville Salt Flats, for example, are home to land speed records, while the Salar de Uyuni is an ideal place for calibrating satellites. Their flat nature also makes them good travel routes and Interstate 80 runs through a portion of the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Is Basketball Player a Job Essays

Is Basketball Player a Job Essays Is Basketball Player a Job Essay Is Basketball Player a Job Essay The National Basketball Association, on August 3, 1949, after a damaging three-year battle to win both players and fans, the rival Basketball Association of America (BAA) and National Basketball League (NBL) merged to form the National Basketball Association (NBA) and David Stern currently is the CEO of the NBA. There is a known debate about whether playing in NBA is a kind of job, some people say it is job, they play for their high salaries, but I say it is not. The definition of a job is â€Å"a piece of work; especially: a small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate† (Webster). The key of a job is to get money from what they work for it and there is no competition. When performed by an employee in an exchange for pay, a job consists of duties, responsibilities, and tasks (performanceelements) that are (1) defined and specific, and (2) can be accomplished, quantified, measured, and rated. From a wider perspective, a job is synonymous with a role and includes the physical and social aspects of a work environment. Often, individuals identify themselves with their job or role (foreman, supervisor, engineer, etc. ) and derive motivation from its uniqueness or usefulness. However, playing in NBA is not like playing in college. There is no salary for college basketball players, so what their purposes to play basketball is definitely a kind of favor and they want to gain the fame for their school. The National Basketball Association promotes the most skillful and professional basketball games, and the players in this association are also the smartest and the most powerful around the world. Every player is going to sign a contract with their club to ensure that they will play for their own club devotionally and everyone will get paid from it. As mentioned above, playing in NBA indeed has two properties, one is the money based and the other is a rat race and their ambitions to get the championship. The National Basketball Association promotes the most skillful and professional basketball games, and the players in this association are also the smartest and the most powerful around the world. Everyone around the world who likes basketball must know about the NBA basketball games because these games can bring them a lot of professional skills and tactics. NBA basketball games have become all the rage these years. Because of that, even people who dont know how to dribble, they know something related to NBA. In addition, whenever and wherever basketball is a sport filled with intensity. 1. webster. (n. d. ). Job. Retrieved from merriam-webster. com/dictionary/job

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Profile of Serial Killer Joseph Paul Franklin

Profile of Serial Killer Joseph Paul Franklin Joseph Paul Franklin is a serial extremist killer whose crimes were motivated by a pathological hatred of African Americans and Jews. Fueled by the words of his hero, Adolf Hitler, Franklin went on a killing rampage between 1977 and 1980, targeting interracial couples and setting off bombs in synagogues. Childhood Years Franklin (named James Clayton Vaughan Jr. at birth) was born in Mobile, Alabama on April 13, 1950, and was the second of four children in a volatile impoverished home. As a child Franklin, who felt different from other children, turned to reading books, mostly fairy tales, as an escape from the domestic violence in the home. His sister has described the home as abusive, saying Franklin was the target of much of the abuse. Teen Years During his teen years, he was introduced to the American Nazi Party through pamphlets and he adopted the belief that the world needed to be cleansed of what he considered inferior races - mainly African Americans and Jews. He was in full agreement with the Nazi teachings and he became a member of the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan, and the National States Rights Party. Name Change In 1976, he wanted to join the Rhodesian Army, but because of his criminal background he needed to change his name to be accepted. He changed his name to Joseph Paul Franklin - Joseph Paul after Adolph Hitlers minister of propaganda, Joseph Paul Goebbels, and Franklin after Benjamin Franklin. Franklin never did join the army, but instead launched his own war of the races. Obsessed With Hate Obsessed with hatred for interracial marriages, many of his killings were against black and white couples he encountered. He has also admitted to blowing up synagogues and takes responsibility for the 1978 shooting of Hustler Magazine publisher, Larry Flynt and the 1980 shooting on civil rights activist and Urban League president Vernon Jordan, Jr. Over the years Franklin has been linked to or confessed to numerous bank robberies, bombings, and murders. However, not all of his confessions are viewed as truthful and many of the crimes were never brought to trial. Convictions Alphonse Manning and Toni SchwennMadison, WisconsinIn 1985 Franklin was found guilty of killing interracial couple Alphonse Manning and Toni Schwenn,  both 23 years old.  The couple was pulling out of a shopping mall when Franklin rammed their car from behind, then got out and shot Manning twice and Schwenn four times, killing both. He was sentenced to two life terms.Bryant Tatum and Nancy HiltonChattanooga, TennesseeIn 1977 he pleaded guilty to the July 29, 1978 sniper murder of Bryant Tatum (black) and for attempting to murder his white girlfriend Nancy Hilton.  The couple was  at a Pizza Hut restaurant in Chattanooga when Franklin, hiding in tall grass near the restaurant, gunned them down. Franklin was found guilty and given a life sentence.Donte Brown and Darrel LaneCincinnati, OhioCousins Dante Brown, 13, and Darrel Lane, 14, were headed to a local convenience store on June 6, 1980, when Franklin, standing on an overpass, shot two bullets into each child. Lane died at t he scene and Brown died a few hours later at the hospital. Franklin was found guilty and sentenced to two life terms. Ted Fields and David MartinSalt Lake City, UtahTed Fields, 20, and David Martin, 18, were friends who shared the reputation for being hardworking, responsible and with bright futures. On August, 20, they went jogging with two women at Liberty Park.  Franklin hit the group with a barrage of bullets, striking Fields three times and Martin five, killing both. One of the women was injured. He was found guilty and received two life sentences.Gerald GordonPotosi, MissouriOn October 8, 1977, Gerald Gordon, Steven Goldman and William Ash  had no idea a Remington 700 hunting rifle was aimed at them while they walked through the synagogue parking lot.  Franklin, who had carefully planned his assault the day before, fired five shots at the men, killing Gordon and injuring Goldman and Ash. In February 1997, a jury found him guilty and sentenced to death by lethal injection. Any Regrets? Eight life sentences and a death sentence has done little to change Franklins radical racist views. He has told authorities that his only regret is that killing Jews isnt legal. During a 1995 article published by Deseret News, Franklin seemed to boast about his killing sprees and the only regret that he seems to have is that there were victims that managed to survive his murderous rage. On November 20, 2013, Franklin was executed by lethal injection in Missouri. He offered no final statement.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

EX 5-22 Computerized Accounting Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

EX 5-22 Computerized Accounting Systems - Essay Example Control accounts are prepared from other financial statements and before the control accounts can be closed, a reconciliation statement is usually prepared to ensure that all the totals of all values agree (Warren, Reeve & Duchac, 2012). The perpetual inventory system updates the accounts as seen fit as compared to the periodic inventory system where accounts are updated periodically. Thus in the perpetual inventory system, the updates are made after every transaction thus giving more accurate figures.The figure presented as the gross profit will thus change if a perpetual system was used. This is due to the fact that all transactions made would have already been recorded. Why aren’t special journal totals posted to control accounts at the end of the month in an electronic accounting system? An electronic accounting system calls for posting of all the accounts and totals on the computer system. However, there are some special journals that do not call for posting of the totals at the end of the month is due to possibilities of errors. Control accounts are prepared from other financial statements and before the control accounts can be closed, a reconciliation statement is usually prepared to ensure that all the totals of all values agree (Warren, Reeve & Duchac, 2012). The following data were extracted from the accounting records of Danhof Company for the year ended June 30, 2012:   Merchandise inventory, July 1, 2011, $ 250,000   Merchandise inventory, June 30, 2012, 325,000 Purchases  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2,100,000 Purchases returns and allowances  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   50,000 Purchases discounts  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   39,000 Sales  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3,250,000 Freight in  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   12,500

Science Meets Real Life Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Science Meets Real Life - Assignment Example In order to fulfill this step, I must try to turn on the light switch again and see if it is really broken. If it really seems so, then I must go to the back of the house and try to turn on another light switch there. The next sequence of events will then depend on whether this second light switch makes the light come on or not. Then, if this second switch does not work either, the next thing to do is to look for the same pattern in the neighborhood. If all the houses have their lights off, then there must be a power cut, and this specific part is the development of the theory, which is the third step. If there is at least one house with a light on, then there is no regularity in the phenomenon that involves switches that are not working. I then look around the neighborhood and notice that all of the houses near my house already have their lights turned off. Just because this is so does not give me a reason to conclude that there is indeed a power cut because everyone might just simply be asleep because it is almost midnight and most of the neighbors are elderly people. Then I notice one neighbor’s house with the lights on, and so I have then discarded the idea or theory that there is a power cut. I then have to look for another possible regularity, which is However, after giving up on the regularities, I have theorized that it is only my house that has a problem. Since my daughters are not at home now as I left them with a relative a week ago, then I am sure that it is not they who are playing this very annoying practical joke with me – especially since I believe they are too young to be able to do that. I then proceed to the next step, prediction. After eliminating the possibility of a power cut, my daughters playing a prank on me, and other incredible possibilities like a UFO interfering with my lights or a possible terrorist attack, I

Friday, October 18, 2019

Shifting Power to Make a Difference Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shifting Power to Make a Difference - Essay Example The problems that faces the institutions that handle international aid - whether they may be on the supply side or intermediaries- is how to best utilize the fund such that the intended improvements for the beneficiary are achieved. This has especially been a growing concern because even with the billions of dollars that have been donated and already consumed, much of the inequalities still remain and the gap seems to be growing. That is, the amount spent is not proportional to the benefits and development acquired whether it may be material or personal. As with all issues and problems, a number of perceived solutions especially from scholars have been forwarded to address the inefficiency of handling and utilizing international aid. Robert Chambers and Jethro Pettit are two such scholars with their composition entitled "Shifting Power to Make a Difference". In this essay, the concept of power to control and to decide as confined to the few is the reason blamed for the inadequacy and inappropriateness of handling international aid. For Chambers and Pettit, the orientation of organizations tends to be non-inclusive meaning the donors usually dictate how the aid is going to be used. This become problematic because the donors may take an inappropriate and even a skewed perspective. Even with the best of intentions, it is simply not the same as asking and considering the voice of the beneficiaries what their problems and perceived solutions are and having them take a participatory role and not just a passive role in a matter that will u ltimately be affecting their lives. The effect to the poor of confining decisions and implementations to the donor and intermediary is what Chambers and Pettit would call an "alien hand". The authors recognize that the problem is in the system and not some external factor. With power already confined to those in the upper echelons, the "norms and procedures combined with personal behavior, attitudes and beliefs, serve to reinforce these existing power relations." (p. 137) Chambers and Pettit identify four action domains that should address the problem with the system and personal behavior. They are the following: Understanding and Analyzing Power Within the mechanism involved in international aid lies the basic issue of who gets to decide and who gets to control. To effect change, we must first be aware of the power relations that exist and determine their impact on aid and development. Only thru awareness and understanding of these power relations can we get an idea of how to best acquire and use it. The authors point out that with knowledge of the implications of the power exercised by donor agencies can they realize the importance of sharing power such as encouraging beneficiaries to make a more proactive stance. The attitude of "I give therefore I decide" could be avoided by acknowledging that those who received are the ones ultimately affected and should therefore be given an opportunity to voice out their opinion. Narrowing the gaps between words and actions For Chamber and Pitt, the lingo used in international aid is problematic. As an example, they cite the use of the word "partnership" which "implies collegial equality and mutual reciprocity" but in reality, only those "who control the funding call the shots". What

Testing Chloride Concentration in South Florida Canal Research Paper

Testing Chloride Concentration in South Florida Canal - Research Paper Example The topographical dimension of South Florida occupies a relatively low-lying carbonated region. The rainfall pattern is relief with low rainfall distribution of 10mm over a region of 100 kilometers. The region also lies on a bedrock majorly composed of carbonate material; this is believed to have been formed over 120,000 years ago. During this time, it is believed that the sea level was approximately 10 meters above the current level. The canals of South Florida are basically Wetlands, which form an important part of the ecosystem. Research has indicated that the current South Florida Canals are facing a major crisis owing to increasing concentration of chlorine and other chemicals in the water bodies. Specifically, combined effects of agriculture and urban activities have had a significant impact on the waters of the South Florida Canal for a period of over 100 years. Apart from projected hyper-salinity in the various water bodies of South Florida Canal, there are factors that have contributed massively towards the deterioration of this natural resource. The first factor is the eutrophication of the wetlands with phosphoric materials. Additionally, past researches have shown that the aquatic life of the wetlands have undergone degradation owing to increased rate of pollution by methyl-mercury. Moreover, there is evidence that anthropogenic activities along the wetlands in the South Florida Canal have contributed to the increased frequency at, which the wetlands dry and affected the natural water flows along the canal.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Assign research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assign research paper - Essay Example The lack of specificity in the way the themes, motifs and elements of the story are presented leaves the readers room for in-depth thinking and reflection as to how it can be related to a concrete experience. This paper explores the features of the story that suggest an important substance to what also happens in reality. The story begins with a statement of utter absurdity chronicling the transformation of a hardworking salesman into a monster. Looking at this particular portion of the story, it can be inferred that it contains a certain level of irrationality. Realistically, the transformation is not possible. This suggests that the novel works in an arbitrary, disordered universe, which goes beyond the frontiers of the laws of nature. Also, there is no clear mention of the apparent cause of the transformation like a curse from a black magic – which, in reality, is also in question as to whether it exists or not – that could have explained the metamorphosis. The story simply talks about a supernatural phenomenon. Nevertheless, examining through the undertones of the plot, it also suggests about a situation in which a hardworking person has gotten an illness thereby incapacitating him or her to continue working. In this perspective, there is a causative factor to the â€Å"transformat ion† that can be taken into account: working so hard may cause harm to the human body, which, in turn, can put someone out of action because of an injury, degenerative disease or a mental dysfunction. However, the idea of injury or catching a degenerative disease does not seem to validate the supporting details of the story: the family members do not display any hint of worry or shock but rather are ashamed or disgusted about the transformation of Gregor. In other words, there must be something in what happens to Gregor that causes embarrassment to the family and this poses less of gravity. While it cannot be a psychological or mental sickness

Video Editing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Video Editing - Essay Example They needed a video capture card that could convert incoming video and audio in digital files that users could work with, If they wanted to record a video back to tape for distribution, that card also needed to be able to handle video output (Ken, 2006).  Users needed special software that would actually handle nonlinear editing aspect of the process - controlling the capture of clips, trimming and managing the clips, moving the various clips around on a storyboard or timeline, adding titles, special effects and transitions, compressing the finished video for distribution and output. If serious about effects and transitions, they also needed acceleration hardware that would make the special effects and transitions happen quicker (Ken, 2006). Of course, editors needed big hard drives to store the raw video and audio clips, the rendered special effects and transitions, and the finished video files.  All that has changed - except for the need for big hard drives. Luckily, big hard d rives have become a lot more affordable and a lot more reliable. Over the last few years, most videographers have adopted digital video camcorders that capture video and audio in a digital format. Many computers now come with DV inputs - iLink, 1394 and Firewire making it a no-brainer to get digital video into the computer. Most programs automatically recognize the camcorder make and are able to remote control it - making it very easy to capture to transfer clips from the camcorder to the computer (Michael, 2007). In addition to handling DV in, DV also handles DV out over the same set of wires. If the DV camcorder offers DV in; it can record finished video projects from the computer back to the camcorder.  Because of the ongoing growth in processor speeds - 2 GHz processors are now commonplace and the accompanying availability and drop in the price of RAM.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Assign research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assign research paper - Essay Example The lack of specificity in the way the themes, motifs and elements of the story are presented leaves the readers room for in-depth thinking and reflection as to how it can be related to a concrete experience. This paper explores the features of the story that suggest an important substance to what also happens in reality. The story begins with a statement of utter absurdity chronicling the transformation of a hardworking salesman into a monster. Looking at this particular portion of the story, it can be inferred that it contains a certain level of irrationality. Realistically, the transformation is not possible. This suggests that the novel works in an arbitrary, disordered universe, which goes beyond the frontiers of the laws of nature. Also, there is no clear mention of the apparent cause of the transformation like a curse from a black magic – which, in reality, is also in question as to whether it exists or not – that could have explained the metamorphosis. The story simply talks about a supernatural phenomenon. Nevertheless, examining through the undertones of the plot, it also suggests about a situation in which a hardworking person has gotten an illness thereby incapacitating him or her to continue working. In this perspective, there is a causative factor to the â€Å"transformat ion† that can be taken into account: working so hard may cause harm to the human body, which, in turn, can put someone out of action because of an injury, degenerative disease or a mental dysfunction. However, the idea of injury or catching a degenerative disease does not seem to validate the supporting details of the story: the family members do not display any hint of worry or shock but rather are ashamed or disgusted about the transformation of Gregor. In other words, there must be something in what happens to Gregor that causes embarrassment to the family and this poses less of gravity. While it cannot be a psychological or mental sickness

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analytical Application Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analytical Application - Coursework Example Country Annual inflation rate Spot rate USA 3% N/A UK 4.2% 1.62 Substituting the values in the purchasing power parity formula Forward rate = ( 1 + 0.042 ) x 1.62 1 + 0.030 Forward rate = 1.639 Answer 2 The appreciation / (Depreciation) in the British pound using the interest rate parity theory is as follows Country Spot rate One year forward rate Appreciation / (Depreciation) Percentage UK 1.62 1.633 0.013 0.80% The appreciation / (Depreciation) in the British pound using the purchasing power parity theory is as follows Country Spot rate One year forward rate Appreciation / (Depreciation) Percentage UK 1.62 1.639 0.019 1.17% Answer 3 The forecasted forward rate using both interest rate parity theory and the purchasing power parity theory appears to be an unbiased estimate of the future spot rate of the currency. Interest rate is a very important factor in determining the relative exchange rate in an economy and in most countries the Federal Reserve and Central Banks publish the forw ard exchange rates of the foreign currencies using the prevailing interest rate in the economy. Similarly, the forecast of rate using the purchasing power parity theory can also be concluded as the unbiased estimation of the forward rate. Answer 4 According to the interest rate parity theory, the difference between the interest rate of two countries is equal to the differential between the forward exchange rate and the spot exchange rate of two countries. In the current global economy, interest rate parity theory plays a great part in connecting the interest rates and exchange rates of two countries. The origin of this theory can be associated to an article written by Walther Lotz in 1884 which was concerned with the Vienna forward market. In 1927, another renowned economist Keynes pointed out the fact that forward premiums are affected by the relative interest differential. There are certain assumptions which need to be considered. The securities, both domestic and foreign, are con sidered to be identical in terms of maturity time and risk. It is the prevailing interest rate on these securities that is utilized in the interest rate parity calculation. In addition, it is also assumed that there are no capital controls or transaction cost and market imperfections. Purchasing power parity theory is another theory widely used in determining the forward rates of a particular currency. As per this theory, when a country’s inflation rate rises, the demand for its currency declines as its exports also declines due to the higher prices. As a corresponding impact, the importers and firms in that country start putting more emphasis on the imported goods and other items. These two factors in combination cast a downward impact on the high inflation of a country’s currency. Inflation rates do not remain constant between countries which cause international trade patterns and exchange rates to adjust accordingly. There are two forms of purchasing power parity th eory. One is absolute form and the other is relative form. The

Monday, October 14, 2019

“A Visit of Charity” by Eudora Welty Essay Example for Free

â€Å"A Visit of Charity† by Eudora Welty Essay Is Eudora Welty successful in showing how human beings can be more interested in their own personal gains than the needs of others? Marian didn’t really want to visit the home for the elderly but she is a Campfire Girl and by taking out the time to go, she will gain points for offering her time to charity work. A gift of flowers was something that Marian brought to the home in order to make her visit look more genuine, but the apple that she brought; she hid outside so that none would think it was also a gift. There was no special person that she wanted to visit, she only wanted to do the job that she came for, earn her point and leave. She wears her Campfire Girls cap to show who she is and she is very afraid to be around a bunch of older people that she has never met, before, but the added point means so much to her that she is willing to visit this strange home. She is more interested in what she can gain from this visit than what she can offer to others. Addie wasn’t thrilled by Marian’s visit. She was a cranky old lady who didn’t even like her roommate and couldn’t stand to hear her talk about a bunch of nothing, all the time. Marian had pretty, yellow hair which she wore a white cap over and she dressed in her red coat as she observed the two women in the nursing home. She had a job to perform and so much to do in her life as she watched the two ladies who had nothing but each other. (Welty, 1980) In â€Å"A Visit of Charity†, Eudora Welty uses Marian as a character who acts in ways that many of us do at certain times in our lives, in performing deeds that are solely for ourselves, and sometimes we forget about the feelings of others. Welty demonstrates in this story that we need to not only try to work toward our own goals but at the same time, we need to consider the thoughts and emotions of others who are less fortunate. Marian is the girl who Welty chose to show that people, especially young individuals, sometimes forget about more important things as we search for awards and points that make us look and feel better about ourselves. To truly feel better about ourselves, we must consider the feelings of others and then we gain the biggest reward of all; knowing that we made someone else’s day a little brighter and more fulfilling. Marian still had many lessons to learn, in life about human kindness, and as she takes a big bite out of the apple, she shows that she had been more interested in her own personal gain in this visit. The author made you think about others in her writing. Eudora Welty clearly showed the selfishness that one can see in Marian’s visit to the nursing home and how she had so much to learn about the true meaning of sharing and giving of yourself in helping others who are less fortunate. I believe that Eudora Welty clearly showed that human beings are sometimes very capable of seeking out their own personal gain in life and are highly capable of not considering the feelings of others, as we do. Reference Page Welty, Marian. (1980) â€Å"A Visit of Charity†. Library of America.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

sleep rem :: essays research papers

States of Consciousness Consciousness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1960 a man named W. Dement conducted a series of studies relating to sleep. His main goal was to understand and learn about the effects of dream deprivation. His tactics would soon be very useful in the quest of answering some very complex questions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He started out with the idea of observing infants while they were asleep, without realizing that he couldn’t get no verbal feed back from a new born. He then decided to choose 20 random adults to be his ginnea pigs. He would then end up putting these 20 individuals through a series of test and trials. Dement did this by a series of awakenings through the course of sleep. He would monitor his subjects in another room by hooking up electronic devices to the patients muscles located around their eyes. The purpose of the electronic devices was to be able to wake up the subjects in two different periods. One being eye movement and the other no eye movement. He would then wake them up and ask if they could remember their dream.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Dement 74% of the 27 awakenings during the periods of sleep accompanied by eye movement, could remember detailed visual dreams. The other 26% reported â€Å"the feeling of having dreamed,† but they could no recall the content in detail. During periods of no eye movement, there were 23 awakenings of which 82% did not remember dreaming and 4 of them said that they might have been dreaming but were not for sure. While his study progressed each subject would have to be awakened more frequently because of the bodies way of REM-rebound. Your body needs sleep and when it is denied sleep it tries to make up for lost sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today we know that there are four different stages of sleep. One being the lightest and four being the deepest. At the time, Dement had no idea that he was messing with one’s circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is like the body’s clock in which it sends messages to your brain to let you know what your body needs. For instance if your body needs sleep you will then start to feel tired.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The results could be used to improve interrogation tactics by utilizing dream, or sleep, deprivation. Dement did this by depriving his subjects of sleep. The body’s continued effort to make of for lost REM sleep, can force someone to say, or do, something that they normally would not have done.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Influence of Beck :: Bek David Campbell Musicians Essays

The Influence of Beck One of the most eccentric and talented performed of my time is definitely Beck. I have followed Beck since my young teen years and have found that his music has followed me in every aspect of my life. This soundtrack of my being has become so influential that I look forward to every album as a step in the next direction of my days. Bek David Campbell was born July 8, 1970, in Los Angeles, and came from an exceptionally sturdy music background. His father David Campbell, was a conductor and string arranger giving Beck his strong musical background. His mother, Bibbe Hansen, was an actress who went as far as to work with such artists as Andy Warhol. Also, his grandfather, Al Hansen, was involved with the Fluxus art movement and was best known for launching the career of Yoko Ono. Beck grew up mostly in Los Angeles, also spending some time in Europe and in the Kansas City area with both of his sets of grandparents. A seemingly bad decision to drop out of school in tenth grade led to Beck’s early career as a street performer playing acoustic blues and folk music, as well as trying his hand in the poetry. In 1988, he produced a cassette of home recordings called The Banjo Story, which led to his move to New York in 1989. He soon returned to L.A. to find his calling at rock clubs by playing a few songs in between the regular sets. In 1991, Bong Load Records discovered Beck. The label gave him the idea to mix his eccentric style with hip-hop beats creating the infamous Loser single. This was my first encounter with Beck’s music. I was a young teen that was into the grunge movement by the likes of Kurt Cobain and found the tunes on Mellow Gold, the CD that contain the â€Å"Loser† single, to be amazing. I soon found myself buying a yard sale guitar and teaching myself how to play and mimic Beck’s every move on the folk axe. While I was busy enjoying these sweet sounds, Beck's major-label debut, Mellow Gold, was becoming the â€Å"anthem for the so-called slacker generation†. It quickly climbed into the Top 20 and eventually went platinum. He quickly signed to DGC, the David Geffin Recording Company, and put out two more independent albums Stereopathetic Soul Manure, which consisted of lo-fi noise rock and One Foot in the Grave, material from Beck's 1992 session for K Records. The Influence of Beck :: Bek David Campbell Musicians Essays The Influence of Beck One of the most eccentric and talented performed of my time is definitely Beck. I have followed Beck since my young teen years and have found that his music has followed me in every aspect of my life. This soundtrack of my being has become so influential that I look forward to every album as a step in the next direction of my days. Bek David Campbell was born July 8, 1970, in Los Angeles, and came from an exceptionally sturdy music background. His father David Campbell, was a conductor and string arranger giving Beck his strong musical background. His mother, Bibbe Hansen, was an actress who went as far as to work with such artists as Andy Warhol. Also, his grandfather, Al Hansen, was involved with the Fluxus art movement and was best known for launching the career of Yoko Ono. Beck grew up mostly in Los Angeles, also spending some time in Europe and in the Kansas City area with both of his sets of grandparents. A seemingly bad decision to drop out of school in tenth grade led to Beck’s early career as a street performer playing acoustic blues and folk music, as well as trying his hand in the poetry. In 1988, he produced a cassette of home recordings called The Banjo Story, which led to his move to New York in 1989. He soon returned to L.A. to find his calling at rock clubs by playing a few songs in between the regular sets. In 1991, Bong Load Records discovered Beck. The label gave him the idea to mix his eccentric style with hip-hop beats creating the infamous Loser single. This was my first encounter with Beck’s music. I was a young teen that was into the grunge movement by the likes of Kurt Cobain and found the tunes on Mellow Gold, the CD that contain the â€Å"Loser† single, to be amazing. I soon found myself buying a yard sale guitar and teaching myself how to play and mimic Beck’s every move on the folk axe. While I was busy enjoying these sweet sounds, Beck's major-label debut, Mellow Gold, was becoming the â€Å"anthem for the so-called slacker generation†. It quickly climbed into the Top 20 and eventually went platinum. He quickly signed to DGC, the David Geffin Recording Company, and put out two more independent albums Stereopathetic Soul Manure, which consisted of lo-fi noise rock and One Foot in the Grave, material from Beck's 1992 session for K Records.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Outline for a Story Book Essay

I propose to design a book for children 7 to 8 years old. In this modern world of technology, books are set aside in favor of computers and other highly technical gadgets. The innovation of computers has pushed man into heights of advancement but the need for leisure stays untouched in his heart. A good book read at leisure brings this kind of comfort and relaxation and the best time to inspire the habit of reading starts at age when one is at his most curious stage. This will be a story book. I have been a tutor for children for five years and I noticed that no amount of teaching any subject will interest a child if there is language or comprehension difficulty with them. Even an English speaking child will find difficulty understanding or connecting the spoken word from the written word so that learning to read and understanding its meaning comes basic to the learning process of every child. My proposed book will be stories of magic of the ancient world, in the fashion of f adventures, fantasy, rituals set to the present day. Contemporary dialogues in the 7 to 8 levels will be created to relate it to the development stage of the target learner. The various influence of magic land will serve as the vehicle for the presentation of ethnic and racial composition of the United States and other influences. The story book will be an aid to the basic textbook for the pre-schoolers learning how to read. The book is designed to inspire interest within the child to discover the beauty of reading. The goal is to arouse the interest of the child so that reading will not come as a task but as an activity to enjoy. Once the child develops this attitude towards reading, then it will not be so difficult to incorporate the teaching of other subjects such as history in the process. Outline for a Storybook 3 It would be a challenge to present history to the child in this age level in its most factual content. This is the reason that the book needs to be presented as a story book. The subjects however must be true historical events and facts of the United States. In this particular book I recommend the history of America in times of the Indians. A lot of historical facts a played down on history books in relation to the Indians role in America’s territorial claim. This will be a good subject to present so that it will be inculcated in the minds of the child the Indians original claim to domain of what now become major white dominions. The book is meant to be a parent-child activity book. It is very important that parents take an active participation in inculcating the love of reading within the child at this age of development. This will find difficult periods at the beginning of the activity since it should be considered that most children do not like to study in the first place. The book in itself should be designed as attractively so that it will serve to initiate curiosity in the child. The marketing target will be both the children and parents. In a bookstore scenario, the packaging and the Cover Literature of the book should be interesting to both. As complimentary to the reading lessons of the child in school, this story book will be presented as a picture book. Every page will depict a scene described in the literature. Words will be in bold and in large fonts. Simple and easy to understand words will be used and the picture depicted will serve as the tag word that will be written on top of the page. The parent, teacher or professional who assist the child in the reading process using this book must take into consideration that this book’s main goal is to let the child Outline for a Storybook 4 enjoy the process. This is very important to cultivate this attitude in the child so that it would not be a long faced affair for him to learn how to read at the same time learns history. In this manner, packaging is a critical issue. This book I design is read by its cover. It has to be package is such a way that the child will be attracted to it. This design will only serve as an initial catch for the child’s interest. It will serve as a promise to the child that anything inside will be interesting to know. It is very important that the book will deliver what it promised. The story has to relate to the child’s environment at the present and at the same time it should also arouse his curiosity of the past. As the child goes through the pages of the book, although his main interest goes to the pictures of the pages, it should be explained to him that what goes in the pictures can be best appreciated by the dialogues written in the paragraphs. His attention must be taken to the tag word on top and the tag word must be historical in its content which definitely should relate to the picture. The atmosphere of introducing this book has to be casual and informal. No amount of rigidity will inspire the child to pursue in discovering the contents of this book if the mood is too formal for him. It shall be also explained to the child that the session is no play and he needs to listen and speak what he understands of the story read with him so that the there will be an active exchange of conversation between the child and the teacher. The parent or professional has to be sensitive to the attention level of the child, if he feels that the child’s interest is gone, he may need to postpone the session later and let the child relax a bit. The dialogues in the book will have questions that can be answered by the listener or the readers. Outline for a Storybook 5 Example of the Cover Design: The book would be hard bound and present a painting of Indians in their most vivid and colorful attire. Maybe it would depict a scene from the Purification Rites of this people which is very bloody. It should also project scenes of Indian Children frolicking in the wilds, training to rides horse and learning the trade of hunting. The issue is not to create a controversy in the minds of the young learner of who are the true Americans. But it is very important also that at earliest stage of learning process the learners knew the role of Indians in early America. My goal is to inspire a bond and cultivate a certain respect and honor to the people who are the very first inhabitants of a great territory of the States. Since this is a story book, the character maybe fictitious. But it is also important that he represent a real Indian in history. The events should also be referrals of real events of Indian history. Outline for a Storybook 6 The picture is copied from an internet source but it serve only as an example. My proposed cover design is of little Indian boys and girls depicting scenes mentioned above. The colors should be vivid as vivid as the colors of the Indians. Outline for a Storybook 7 The cover and page designs used here are just representations. Summary/Plot of the Story The story will be a fiction which depicts characters of different tribes of Indians. He does not have to represent a particular Indian Tribe. My reason is that in that time, the Indians were not united in their principle to the claim of their territory. Red Cloud will be a boy born to one Indian Tribe. He is destined to be the next ruler of their ethnic group. Most of his adventures will depict bravery and his developing skill at hunting. He showed extra ordinary intelligence. Most of the events in this story will depict Red cloud’s adventures as a boy. His ability to tame wild animals and his special understanding of behaviors of bird will be shown in the character of a Hawk he has trained since it was a baby. They will have a special way of communicating and the hawk has an ability to follow Red Cloud’s instructions. Among the several highlights in this story will be Red Cloud’s adventures with the Hawk that save their tribes from their enemies, including abuses from government soldiers. In order to present the facts of the Indian’s claim to a vast territory of America it should told in this book the birthright of this ethnic group. It should also be explained the nomadic custom of this ethnic group so that they do not respect written documents to defend their claim. The language must be relevant to 7 & 8 age level. The primary goal of this story book is to educate the American children of the true story of the Indians Territorial Claim to the United States. It should also educate the First and Second Graders that then United States claim of sovereignty. Outline for a Storybook 8 Describe any Competing Books Most children’s story books are fairytales with no reference to history. Children loved magic. This will be the kind of book that will compete strongly with this proposed story book. The advantage to this proposed book is that it has reference to American History. It is not just mere adventure children’s book. It is a book that tells real history of American Indians intended for use of First and Second Graders. This will attract the target market of this book. Most children do not like history. Many believe that history is about memorizing date, names and places. But History is about facts and adventures too. This will be the kind of children’s story book but we like to put in the market. Size & Format of the Book The book will measure 8 inches by 13 inches. This is a comfortable size to hold and to put in children’s bag. No pop—up. It will be a regular type to hard bound book. My idea is that the book will look more like a book and not like a plaything. Making it pop-up will distract so much attention from the literary qualities it is meant to be. This children’s story book is design to educate and invite children to love books and the beauty of reading. It should not look like a poor clone of the computer. The story inside the book should be made and took literature that relates so much to the feeling s and understanding of 7 and 8 Outline for a Storybook 9 years old to establish a bond with its readers. This is not an easy goal. But this can be done if there is realistic approach to study and learn children’s attitudes and needs with less professional or adult exercise of dominant role.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Information Systems Security Survey Essay

The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) is an institution that was built back in the 19th century. UNMC’s mission is to improve the health of Nebraska through premier educational programs, innovative research, the highest quality patient care, and outreach to underserved populations (UNMC, 2004). As an institution with key interest to privacy of its students, staff and subordinate staff, UNMC has adopted various policy guidelines to ensure information security system. The Information Security Management Plan (ISMP) describes its safeguards to protect confidential information. These safeguards are meant among another reason to: Ensure the confidentiality of data Ensure the integrity of data Ensure the availability of data Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of the information UNMC has adopted information security industry best practices to implement its information security system (UNMC, 2014). They have become so effective that during 2011, a Hitrust Gap assessment was performed, and no significant gaps were found within its security program. The worksheet below outlines how these programs have been rolled out by different offices in the university. Worksheet: Information Security Program Survey Security Area Responsible Party / Office of Primary Responsibility Known Vulnerabilities / Risks Countermeasures / Risk Mitigation Strategy Acquisition (systems/services) Information Security Office Breach of the confidentiality clause All service providers must undergo an evaluation process to verify they are qualified. Contracts have a confidentiality clause whose breach terminates the contract. Asset management System Administrator Poor asset management Proper policies and procedure in place  to ensure effective asset management. Evaluation to ascertain the qualifications of asset managers. Audit and accountability Information Security Office Dishonest employees disclosing confidential information to third parties Every application contains a log that must be maintained to meet regulatory requirement. There is Information security Incident Response plan to handle any notable strange events. Authentication and authorization System Administrator Covered data may be transferred to third parties without authorization Employees are provided with user name and password to access the data. Employees are trained on developing a secure password. There are control policies in place governing access to this information. Business continuity Information Security Office Non-coordination and miscommunication between employees All employees are supposed to keep contact information of co-workers and supervisors to seek for help in case of any emergency. Compliance management Compliance Officer the Information Security Officer Employees failure to comply with the set guidelines, policies and procedure There is a compliance form that is filled before a major project is undertaken by the enterprise. The form is to ensure that no new risk is introduced to the enterprise. Configuration control System Administrator Compromised system security Every configuration must have a password. Each password must have at least ten characters. The password must be encrypted at all times. Data System Administrator Data may be intercepted during transmission Database with security keys is available to authorized employees only. Access to classified data is allowed to limited employees. Information security plan ensures security of covered data. Hardware System Administrator Destruction of hardware in disaster Only employees with technical know-how of operating hardware are allowed to use them. The hardware are encrypted for security purposes. Hardware backup system. Identity management Information Security Office Unauthorized covered data and information transfer through third parties Identity Management Program (IDM) outlines procedure for issuing credentials based on the NIST guidance. Checks are done on employees prior to their employment. Incident management Command Centre Incident Response Team Physical loss of data in a disaster An Incident Reporting and Response Plan is in place to report and respond to any  identified risk. Availability of a well-trained incident response team. Command Centre is established to manage emergency. Maintenance procedures Change Advisory Board (CAB) Existing patches within the security system A release process is in place to ensure that the changes do not affect non-primary system. Patching policies for workstations to ensure security. Media protection and destruction Information Security Office Unauthorized access covered data as well as information Data storage policies define how data stored in the media is to be protected. Data is only stored in a secured data centre or encrypted medium. Network System Administrator Unauthorized access to the network Network traffic is controlled by Cisco enterprise-class firewall where inbound connects are only allowed to DMZ. Internal trusted network is provided via an encrypted VPN tunnel. Technical perimeter is established to bar direct access from the internet to the Internal Trusted Area. Planning Information Security Office Poor planning that compromise management of the security system Contingency plan is in place to handle any eventuality. Employees are encouraged to store data on network file servers for backup. All backups are surely stored and marked for easy identification during emergencies. Personnel System Administrator Loss of data integrity Employees are only employed after exhibiting minimum security requirement. Information Security Addendum are to be signed for confidentiality purposes. An insider who ensures that all legal requirements are followed before access is granted must accompany outsiders accessing information. Physical environment System Administrator Physical safety of the environment may be compromised through attacks and burglary No unauthorized personal is allowed within the data centre premises. The data centers are controlled by keycard access. Policy Information Security Plan Coordinator Policies may be misinterpreted by the employee The University’s security policy is enshrined in the Privacy, Confidentiality and Security of Patient Proprietary Information Policy and the Computer Use and Electronic Information Security Policy. The two policies require that authorized people can only access this information. The policies are reviewed every two years to make them in tandem with the prevailing circumstances. Operations The Information Security Officer and the Infrastructure Team  Failure for operations to comply with the system security policy An operation must fill a compliance Checklist or a Security Risk Assessment form for review to verify that no new risk is introduced to the enterprise. Outsourcing System Administrator Unauthorized disclosure of security information by third parties Outsourced vendors must comply with UNMC Policy No. 8009, Contract Policy. Vendors accessing classified student information must sign the GLB Act contract addendum. Risk assessments Information Custodian Poor method of risk assessment that may downplay the actual impact of a risk Security assessment I conducted annually. All applications must meet the organizations security policies and procedure. Software System Administrator Software may be infected with a virus Software should not be installed unless the user trusts it. Vendor update and patches must be installed unless directed otherwise. Software license must be retained to get technical assistance. Training System Administrators and Information Custodians Misuse of security system Loss of data integrity Employees are trained on information security system before they are employed. System administrators and information custodians are annually trained on Specific Information Security Policy and Procedure. References UNMC. (March 2014) Strategic Plan 2010-2013. Retrieved from United States Government Accountability Office. (February 2010). ELECTRONIC PERSONAL HEALTH INFORMATION EXCHANGE: Health Care Entities’ Reported Disclosure Practices and Effects on Quality of Care. Retrieved from UNMC. (February 9, 2004). Information Security Plan. Retrieved from

Health Problems From Alcohol Health And Social Care Essay

Patients are foremost come to primary attention for their organic structure strivings. Harmonizing to Starfield ( 1973 ) primary attention is a point of affecting in wellness attention system that has a duty to form patient attention for a clip period. There are some other wellness attention centres available in UK where patients measure in terrible unwellness when the assignment with GP is rather long. In this essay we find out the troubles faces in covering with alcoholic patients in primary attention apparatuss. Harmonizing to Sobell ( 1996 ) the people received intervention of alcohol addiction through natural recovery are abundant. Harmonizing to the published therapy tests, the intervention in alcohol addiction is non effectual ( Chick et al. , 2002 & A ; Edwards et al. , 1997 ) . As a psychodynamic position the people who consume intoxicant can imbibe it because they are experiencing comfy with it.There is a cognitive behavior hypothesis that, in initial phases intoxicant is drink to cut down the tenseness degrees. In European civilizations alcohol is used to cut down the tensenesss and it ‘s a thing of socialisation. Even after coming back from work, when a individual got tired he experience relaxed and tenseness relieved with a glass of intoxicant. But this continuity becomes a habbit and individual becomes dependant of intoxicant without cognizing this that he becomes an alcoholic. These individuals are hard to handle in primary attention as they are going a portion of it withou t even acknowledging it. There is a chief issue while covering with alcoholic patients in primary attention that is their age at which they start imbibing intoxicant. Harmonizing to Plato ( 1926 ) people can non imbibe before the age of 18 old ages and if they drink they have to take centrist imbibing up to the age of 40 old ages. In Project MATCH survey ( Fishbain & A ; Cutler, 2005 ) they analysed the consequence of the intervention of alcohol addiction which was the most expensive clinical test. They used CBT ( Cognitive behaviour therapy ) to measure what people think sing intoxicant, the desires of people and more ( Nowinski et al. , 1999 ) .They were used the MET ( Motivation Enhancement Technique ) which gives information sing intoxicant jobs that motivate people for alteration ( Miller et al.,1999 ) . The TSF ( Twelve Step Facilitation ) was besides used which was grounded on rules of alcoholic anon. ( Kadden et al. , 1995 ) . They found no significant relationship between the curative intervention a nd the participants ( Longabaugh & A ; Wirtz, 2001 ) . In primary attention Centres there is another trouble in handling alkies is that the alkies are non tells the truth sing their intoxicant related jobs. An illustration of this was Rand survey gaining that 30 % of the alkies are non able to give sufficient information ( Polich et al. , 1981 ) , this besides put great consequence on the intervention. Why the patients throw off the clinical tests was assessed, in the undertaking MATCH survey and the grounds for this were their on the job times, they move from their places, their gestations and imbibing remittal. These are the grounds which affect the primary attention intervention but this is non with every instance ( Miller et al. , 2001 ) . Harmonizing to the undertaking MATCH the psychosocial intervention for the alkies are non plenty for them. In the medical field it is really common that patients are non stick to the intervention. Harmonizing to article by Caroll ( 1997 ) , 20 % patients withdraw from the programmes they have to set in, since they withdraw, so this ratio goes up at the terminal of that intervention ( Carroll, 1997 ) . Harmonizing to Sobel & A ; Sobel ( 2000 ) participant ‘s willingness is really of import in intervention. In article, Early sensing and intervention of alcohol addiction in primary attention ( 2004 ) there was a conjecture that in US 1 in 5 males and 1 in 10 females who come to primary attention were patient of different types of alcohol addiction ( NIAAA,2000 ) . Because most of them did n't desire to travel to alcohol intervention specializers so the primary wellness doctors have a opportunity and a responsibility to name their job and give intervention to them. But unhappily, the primary attention suppliers are frequently non willing or non able to manage these people. These findings are about the individuals sing primary attention GP ‘s, infirmary exigencies, traumatic wards and taking antenatal attention. In decision of this survey shows that the prevalence of jobs related to alcohol sing patients in primary attention are important ( Nathan & A ; Peter, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to diary of the American academy of Family Physicians article ‘Problem Drinking and Alcoholism: Diagnosis and intervention ( Enoch & A ; Goldman, 2002 ) less than 50 % of alcohol addiction oftenly remain undiagnosed in primary wellness attention. Some of the patients non give the proper information to the GP ‘s due to fear or dishonor. So the GP got less information sing the medical and psychological conditions and lost chance to handle the patient affectively. To happen out the pattern in intoxicant instances and it ‘s barriers in patients who drink at hazardous degrees, in Cape Town, a cross sectional study done with 50 GP ‘s ( General Practitioners ) in the twelvemonth 2004 & A ; 2005. It was in the signifier of questionnaire of intoxicant related patterns and barriers in intercessions. The consequences were that in the past twelvemonth the GP ‘s proverb merely 11-13 patients sing alcohol addiction. Whereas 12 % GP ‘s idea that for cut downing the intoxicant consumption they could assist the patients in an effectual manner. 78 % GP ‘s said that with proper preparation and support they work more efficaciously. The decision of the survey was that GP ‘s wants to make intercession for alcohol addiction but they need more preparation for these intercessions. They require right support and intercession tools ( Koopman, et. al. , 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Chang, G. ( 1997 ) there is more jobs faced in placing and handling the lady patients in primary attention scenes. Because females more vulnerable to unfavorable effects of intoxicant than males. In primary attention apparatus there is brief reding and intervention followups and sometimes they even losing the job imbibing in adult females because patients did n't state the truth. So sometimes they need the aid of head-shrinkers to happen out the job of job imbibing. So psychiatrist play indispensable function in discovery out the job imbibing in females and interfere, learn and work jointly with primary attention suppliers to diminish the morbidity and mortality of intoxicant. In the treatment paper, â€Å" Still a hard concern? Negociating alcohol-related jobs in general pattern audiences † , ( Rapley et al. , 2006 ) showed the experiences of GP ‘s while giving audiences to patients in jobs related to intoxicants. They have done a qualitative research in North East of England. Once qualitative interviews done with 29 GP ‘s sing their work with their patients on issues concerned with intoxicant. Then they conduct the interviews in groups- 1 with squad of primary attention and two with GP ‘s. In these interviews GP ‘s felt, until the individual felt that his/her ingestion of intoxicant was unsafe they could derive really less. The deficiency of clip and to work on so many other jobs and so many other patients, who were waiting for them, stopped General Practioners to pull off instances of hazardous drinkers. They compared their survey with Thom, B. et Al. ( 1986 ) which was done 20 old ages ago. They found that the troubles fa ced by GP ‘s are rather same as 20 old ages ago. In Mackenzie & A ; Allen ( 2003 ) article, Alcoholic rating of alcohol addiction intervention, the participants were asked the name of the interventions to which they known for their rating. Most of them spoke Naltrexone. In farther analysation of naltrexone patients withdraw due to inauspicious effects of this ( Rohsenow et al. , 2000 & A ; Drummond, 2001 ) .According to these findings the most good intervention was still a difficult issue. Some favours combination intervention i.e. Antabuse & A ; alcohol anon. . Treatment with Antabuse was non utile as it was deleterious for wellness and non lasting. It was non sufficient to decide the job with detoxification. Group therapy was besides non plants and produce backsliding without after intervention attention and uninterrupted followups ( Mackenzie & A ; Allan, 2003 ) . These are the conditions which influences the alky ‘s intervention in the primary attention. After re-assessing the information of undertaking MATCH it was found that ego efficaciousness was the predictor of imbibing behavior in alky ‘s intervention ( Witkiewitz et al. , 2007 ) . Whereas in old survey it was non forecast imbibing behavior. Harmonizing to Brownell et Al. ( 1986 ) intoxicant oversight is complex procedure. To foretell intoxicant dependance and its intervention the cusp calamity theoretical account used by Hufford et Al ( 2003 ) . They found two factors which are trusty for 50 % intoxicant ingestion. The sidelong factors which were responsible for backsliding were – holding no place, non proper followups, alky ‘s household background and terrible intoxicant dependance. There were some proximal factors besides which affect the alcohol addiction those were- mental province, mental hurt, dying place atmosphere. If the sidelong factors are more and proximal is less than patient may be imbibe lesser sum or even giving up the intoxicant and antonym happened in opposite state of affairs. The multimodality construct is another job in covering with alcoholic patients. In UK, Liverpool is on top, in instance of indoor instances of intoxicant in infirmaries. These are the intoxicant abuse instances which makes the primary attention intervention hard. For intoxicant maltreatment Liverpool is step in front from the North West and Warrington. More than 8 % of Liverpool ‘s population are imbibing upto the degree which affect their physical and mental health.28 % of males and 18 % of females drink up to deleterious degree in North West of England. The per centum of male and female death from intoxicant is 6.4 and 4.2. Around 3260 individuals die every twelvemonth because of intoxicant in UK and this ratio is more in North West ( William, 2007 ) A survey sing teenage and the use of intoxicant intervention services consequences that white adolescents got more alcohol interventions as comparison to others ( Wu et al.,2002 ) .The predictor of acquiring intervention services were drug use and hapless wellness position. The consequences are same as the other intoxicant intervention surveies done by Weisner ( 1993 ) & A ; Windle et Al. ( 1991 ) Around 10 % grownups got intervention holding the job of alcohol addiction ( Grant, 1996 & A ; Reiger et al. , 1993 ) . Gender is another factor which gives part in intoxicant intervention. For e.g. adult females were few who got alcohol intervention ( Grant, 1996 & A ; Weisner, 1993 ) . There are few factors which inhibit the intervention of intoxicant which are -lack of occupation, low finance, non holding faith in intervention ( Grant, 1996, 1997 & A ; Weisner, 1993 ) . Nielson observed intoxicant jobs and intervention with the patient ‘s position with the aid of an interview usher from 2-4 months. The jobs were seen with different positions. In cultural position individuals use intoxicant for socializing in society. Sometime there were some external force per unit areas are at that place in which individual diagnostic imbibing does, as in fiscal loses, matrimonial jobs etc. Sometimes there were internal facets besides like individual had experience had in childhood, psychological jobs etc. In pathological imbibing individual have dependence to imbibing. In comprehendible imbibing individual lost the control over himself. It was found from survey that there was less conformity rate ( O'Brien & A ; McLellan, 1996 ) . Pilowsky et Al. ( 2009 ) found intoxicant dependance was a chief issue of wellness attention. Alcohol dependance was chiefly concerned with singular disablement & A ; hapless mental wellness ( Hassin et al. , 2007 ) . Alcohol dependance was forecast by the events happened in childhood either treated or non treated ( Kessler, 1997 ; Dube, 2006 & A ; Pilowsky, 2006 ) . Childhood events are the events happened before the kid is traveling to be 18 old ages. In the survey individual holding 1-2 unfavorable childhood events were 2-4 times thought themselves alkies. So this was an index that if there were frequent unfavorable childhood events so these were terrible forecasters of alcohol addiction upset. Socio demographic factors were besides kept in head in controlled samples. If a individual exposed to unfavorable events many times so it was much influential as comparison to expose to individual inauspicious event ( Kessler, 1997 ) . From the twelvemonth 1980-2000 McGovern ( 2002 ) written the intoxicant jobs intervention. The inhibiting constituent in intervention was the being of a definition of depicting intoxicant and drug issues. Lack of uninterrupted financess is another disadvantage in covering with intoxicant jobs. In Europe four European intervention bureaus studied the intervention of intoxicant and other drug upsets ( Riley, 2008 ) . There was an obstructor in informations aggregation which was used for hunt patients to cognize the alterations occurs in the intervention period. Because there may be relapse in some instances and the patient needs intervention once more. Because there was no contact so the patients once more went to worse status. The follow up techniques are proposed by Chesnut Health Centres ( Scott, 2004 ) . But these steps can non be low-cost by all intervention services. By analyzing the wellness services research in the intervention seting in pattern in intoxicant and drug maltreatment, McCarty ( 2000 ) found that it was a ambitious thing.He besides noticed, that antecedently, the clients were old white males. They had the other chronic jobs besides like- cirrhosis, craze etc. Whereas now these programmes are for childs from all races. It is found that if a individual taking other rough drugs along with intoxicant so this makes the intervention hard. Harmonizing to Boca & A ; Nolls ‘s ( 2000 ) there is other job in intervention of intoxicant that in intoxicant surveies at that place has to be careful expression for decrease prejudices. There are so many factors which make hard in handling alkies. As in undertaking MATCH ( 1997 ) it was noticed that head-shrinkers have n't sufficient understanding sing the alcohol addiction. Persons who have the jobs related to intoxicants are now a twenty-four hours ‘s able to retrieve from these jobs without the intervention and the literature is available on it ( Sobel, Cunningham & A ; Sobel, 1996 ) . Spiritualism as recovery portion in the action of alcohol addiction besides reflects in individual ‘s recovery ( Kurt & A ; Morgan, 2002 ) . In the country like alcohol addiction which is rather sensitive, the cross sectional study will non be the best thought. The longitudinal studies along with the timely follow ups are promoting and avoiding backslidings of alcohol addiction. Harmonizing to the American Society of dependence ( 1996 ) in the intervention of alcoholic individuals, Milieu therapy is besides good. This therapy helps in physical effects that are due to heavy imbibing or backdown of intoxicant. Psychotherapy is besides one of the of import mileposts in the intervention of alkies. The individuals who quits intoxicant should followed their follow ups on a regular basis. So that their betterment is continuously monitored. Harmonizing to a socio-cultural position, the individual is traveling to halt imbibing or maintain on go oning the same is depends on the individual ‘s character and his nucleus beliefs. Harmonizing to Martin et Al. ( 1999 ) article Pull offing alcohol- related jobs in the primary attention puting, they found that intoxicant jobs were the of import cardinal factor of morbidity and mortality in America and because of refusal and opposition to intervention by the household of patients and patients itself, made sensing hard. Everyday showings of intoxicant of every patient may assist the primary attention supplier to happen out and give intervention to alcohol maltreatment patients. However in intoxicant related jobs chief end of patients are abstinence but less consumption is besides fruitful and gained by concise primary attention intercessions. The direction of outpatient detoxification chiefly given by primary attention apparatuss but needs careful opinion of support system of patient, close supervising and good medical specialty support. In the Journal article, Between desperation and hope: Health services research on intervention of intoxicant maltreatment ( 2002 ) , McCarty Dennis bring into notice, the troubles comes in analyzing the intervention services in intoxicant and drug maltreatment. It is because of these jobs, the individuals who are policy shapers and suppliers of probes could reluctant to give induction to surveies. However the Alcohol services research is rather tough and we are halfway mediate despair of intoxicant and the recovery hope ( Dennis, M. , 2000 ) . Harmonizing to the survey done by Ferguson et Al. ( 2003 ) in their journal article, Barriers to designation and intervention of risky drinkers as assessed by urban/rural primary physicians, this pilot survey found three hurdlings faced by 40 household physicians when they treat the alcoholic patients. In this the Physician centred class considered job was, the patient backdown and holding deficiency of motive to alter. The system centred class considered, losing of community resources and far off from intervention plans. The patient centred barriers were more than the physician and patient centred classs. The debatable barriers were depended on the location of practise i.e. rural or urban and the past clip period of physician preparation. However early the intervention is more effectual if alcohol addiction is detect at early phase. It is greatly accepted that doctors in primary attention oftentimes fail to name intoxicant jobs. In this computerized survey an alcoholic patient was used for primary attention doctors for naming alcohol addiction. Out of 95 doctors, 32 % diagnosed the job others made different psychiatric diagnosings chiefly anxiety or depression. So harmonizing to this survey there was a great demand for extra instruction for primary attention doctors to name alcohol addiction. Harmonizing to Magruder-Habib, K. ( 1991 ) the intoxicant jobs are really common in the patients who come to primary attention but frequently non detected and treated. Although the methods of diagnose are reviewed in footings of complete history, trials in research lab and the physical scrutiny. For everyday usage of primary attention doctors CAGE questionnaire and Michigan Alcoholism Screening trials are advised. These instruments are more sensitive than the research lab tests entirely. Because if the patient job is detected at earlier phase than it would be cure early and it is less cost effectual besides an acceptable to the patient. By seeing all the pros and cones of this essay the major troubles comes in primary attention apparatuss while covering with alkies are as follows: First of all the patient came to primary attention did non state the truth about their imbibing wonts. It may be due to fear or dishonor. So the GP did n't cognize the exact sum of imbibing and this will set great impact on intervention. Second in primary attention setups GP ‘s has to cover with figure of patients, and these alcoholic and patient related to mental wellness jobs require more clip for audience, which is non possible in primary attention. That ‘s why sometimes these jobs are missed in primary attention apparatuss. Third GP ‘s have non plenty preparation to name alcohol addiction and to cover with alkies. They require right support and intercession tools to name alcohol addiction.